Daily Traditional Fantasy Drawing Day 10

Today’s Fantasy Art Drawing

A while back, I bought a book about drawing composition that I never cracked open. The first exercise involved making this sort of ‘S’ shape thing. I turned it into a forest and river. Then I slapped a dragon flying overhead. I do like how the composition turned out, but I want to redraw it again at some point because my pencil skills kinda… went poof.

dragon drawing fantasy art

Daily Fantasy Drawing Thoughts & Meditations

So, I’m gonna be honest. This is not my favorite. I do want to redo this again in the near future. I spent about two hours on it, but I guess the muse decided to take PTO without informing me first because it felt like the more I kept drawing this, the more unhappy with it I got. That’s okay though! The next time I do this, it’ll be even better.

Dragon drawing fantasy art

When I relearned how to do digital art, the advice I got was to focus on the quantity of drawings over quality. It was much easier to draw something, mentally take notes where you’re struggling, then move on to the next thing. I did find that I learned a lot more quickly this way. So, even though this drawing isn’t my favorite, I’m okay with that- and excited to do it again!

And Now, A Word From Our AI Scribe About Fantasy Art Drawings

Fantasy art drawings are a great way to express your creativity and imagination. They can be used for anything from children’s books to video games, and are always a hit with the public.

There are many different types of fantasy art drawings, but the most popular are dragons. Dragons have been around in legends for centuries, with many different stories and interpretations of what they may look like.

Want To See More Fantasy Art Drawings?

Click on the image to see yesterday’s art. This was a study of Anne Stokes’ Dragon Kin.

dragon rider's dance ashley meyer dragon

Support Us For More Fantasy Art And Adventures

Want to support my fantasy art and what I do? Donate a few bucks to our Patreon every month and see early access comics, project updates, and more!

Or, there are other ways too. We have a Merch Store! Get cool coffee mugs and T-shirts featuring artwork from Dragon Rider’s Dance. If you know someone who’d like a coffee mug like this, get it now.

Read Dragon Rider’s Dance For Free

Dragon Rider’s Dance is a fantasy comic where dragons are the princesses. Follow Ari and Matthias’ adventures as they navigate great adventures, monsters, and dragon slayer exes.

Daily Traditional Fantasy Drawing Day 9

Today’s Fantasy Art Drawing

Today was a wholly original piece. No references or anything. I decided to take the challenge of implementing every I’ve practiced over the last week and create something original.

dragon rider's dance ashley meyer dragon

Daily Fantasy Drawing Thoughts & Meditations

This really was an opportunity to just let loose. I didn’t know what the dragon would like when I finished it, but I think I like how it turned out. She’s not the mighty, fire-breathing force of destruction, but more the serene all-knowing creature that will send you on quests, give you advice, or maybe find who has the purest heart (no, I don’t know what that means) and choose said heroes to be the next king and queen.

I was thinking ahead for Book 4 of Dragon Rider’s Dance and a conversation between two of the child characters that grow up to become the protagonists. Agnes, the quarter orc lady who had dreams of becoming a mighty warrior like her daddy. Her first appearance in the comic is here. In this scene, Agnes had decided to put her dreams of becoming a warrior princess on pause and decided to join her mother and be a healer instead. Leif at first thinks it’s because she lost her confidence, but Agnes tells him that wasn’t it at all.

Rather she had a realization that just because men find glory in violence and battle doesn’t mean that’s the only source of glory. There’s just as much importance in giving and preserving life. The reason why good men find a strong purpose in battle is not because of the people they get to kill, but the lives they protect and save. Healers and warriors are both needed and should be held in the highest esteem.

She goes on to tell him this is how dragons are.

They don’t need to exercise their power, or ‘prove’ to others their might. They just are. They have claws and fire, but don’t feel so insecure that they have to use them all the time to remind people who they are. Everyone just knows not to mess with them, and the ones that do oftentimes end up being dinner.

daily drawing with coffee

And Now, A Word From Our AI Scribe About Fantasy Art Drawings

Fantasy art is a genre of art where the artist creates scenes that are unreal and fantastical. This includes creating worlds, people, and animals that do not exist in the real world. The artist can create these scenes in any medium – oil paint, watercolor, pencil drawings, or digital paintings.

There are many different styles of fantasy art creations: surrealism, hyper-realism, expressionism, cubism and more. These styles are all unique and make up what is considered to be the genre of fantasy art.

Fantasy art is an art form that is not bound by the confines of reality. It can be a perfect way to express your creativity and imagination.

In this section, you will learn about the different styles of fantasy art, such as cartoonish, watercolor and anime. You will also learn about how to draw them in different ways using simple shapes and lines.

You’ll also learn about some famous fantasy artists that have inspired many people with their work.

Fantasy art is a genre of painting that depicts fantastic subjects or scenes. It can be an illustration or a story that is not bound by the physical laws of our world. This type of art has been around for centuries and it still has a place in modern society.

Some famous examples are paintings from the Renaissance era, like the Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli, and The Garden Of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch. These paintings show how fantasy art has always been popular and how it will continue to be popular in the future as well.

Want To See More Fantasy Art Drawings?

Click on the image to see yesterday’s art. This was a study of Anne Stokes’ Dragon Kin.

Anne Stokes Fantasy Drawing Fanart

Support Us For More Fantasy Art And Adventures

Want to support my fantasy art and what I do? Donate a few bucks to our Patreon every month and see early access comics, project updates, and more!

Or, there are other ways too. We have a Merch Store! Get cool coffee mugs and T-shirts featuring artwork from Dragon Rider’s Dance. If you know someone who’d like a coffee mug like this, get it now.

Read Dragon Rider’s Dance For Free

Dragon Rider’s Dance is a fantasy comic where dragons are the princesses. Follow Ari and Matthias’ adventures as they navigate great adventures, monsters, and dragon slayer exes.

Daily Traditional Fantasy Drawing Day 8

Today’s Fantasy Art Drawing

More Anne Stokes fan art! Hooray! I guess it’s only Day 8 out of 30, but I do need to include other fantasy artists in the mix.

Daily Fantasy Drawing Thoughts & Meditations

I woke up an hour earlier than usual today. I feel like the past week, I’ve been trying to draw for 30 minutes, but it goes by so fast. Turns out getting up an hour early was a good choice. I was able to just turn my brain off and draw. When you give yourself time to do fantasy drawings, and not be constrained by the clock, it’s just better for your brain.

Not starting the day with screens is also proving to be a good plan. As much as I love my tablet, just doodling with a pencil is a good thing, plus there’s not the extra distraction that comes with being on the computer or phone- checking feeds, news (which is never good), and all that. Part of the reason I wanted to do this daily challenge was for my own mental health and sanity. The fact that most of these are just exercises, studies of other artists, and therefore not able to sell, really does release some amount of pressure. I can just learn, it doesn’t have to be perfect.

Fantasy art is escapist. The world by its nature is an unsafe and unstable place. I don’t know if it’s more so, less so, or we’re just more aware of it (again, the point is getting away from screens). I don’t know about you, but my own brain feels like it’s constantly ready for an attack, but not sure from where. Being able to just sit down, say no to tech first thing in the morning, and draw dragons and other fantasy creatures helps give the brain the much-needed rest it needs. It can actually process and function somewhat.

And Now, A Word From Our AI Scribe About Fantasy Art Drawings

Having fun with SEO and stuff. Here’s a couple of short paragraphs about fantasy art from the AI blog writing program I’m currently using:

Fantasy art drawing is a form of art that depicts imaginary scenes and places. These are usually set in worlds with fantastic creatures, characters, and landscapes.

Fantasy art drawing is used in many different ways such as illustrating one’s imagination or expressing an emotion. It can be used to create artwork for movies, video games, books, comics, and more.

Want To See More Fantasy Art Drawings?

Click here to see yesterday’s Daily Fantasy Art Drawing. I actually wrote a little story to go along with it.

Fantasy Drawing Artwork Anne Stokes Fanart

Support Us For More Fantasy Art And Adventures

Want to support my fantasy art and what I do? Donate a few bucks to our Patreon every month and see early access comics, project updates, and more!

Or, there are other ways too. We have a Merch Store! Get cool coffee mugs and T-shirts featuring artwork from Dragon Rider’s Dance. If you know someone who’d like a coffee mug like this, get it now.

Read Dragon Rider’s Dance For Free

Dragon Rider’s Dance is a fantasy comic where dragons are the princesses. Follow Ari and Matthias’ adventures as they navigate great adventures, monsters, and dragon slayer exes.

Daily Drawing Day 7

“What’s wrong, Matthias? You’re not afraid to fight a woman of great power and strength, are you? Or is that why you chose HER over me? Meek, obedient, content to always wear a pretty smile?”

Matthias had to stop himself from halting in his tracks- absolutely bewildered at the dragon slayer maid’s jeering. He brushed the insult away quickly. Surely, this was a trick. To say something so stupid it would render him dumbfounded and vulnerable to a strike.

The only other time Rhea had only met his wife was when she was helping him clean up their campsite to move on to their next adventure. Singing happily as she did so. So of course, it meant she was a helpless waif incapable of hurting an insect.

Rhea did not know the truth about the woman she meant to demean. The awesome and terrible beast behind the pretty face. The fierce huntress. Unlike Rhea, though, Ari’Malcros did not feel the need to demonstrate such power when there was no immediate danger. She certainly found more joy in being loved than feared.

“There’s a difference between strength and… whatever the hell YOU are, don’t you think?” Matthias shot back. Rhea did not like that. She lunged at him with her sword. Her face filled with hate. “Tell me. Why did you want to be a dragon slayer so bad? Did you really want to protect others from the so-called scaly, winged tyrants?

Or do you just enjoy being a tyrant yourself?”

Daily Drawing Day 7. Inspired by Anne Stokes’ “Friends Forever”. Woke up in a panic (like you do) so I wanted to draw something more comforting.

But as she grows up, she becomes more like the wise and beautiful queen she was meant to be.

Of course, being a mighty beast, you would still be dumb to disrespect her.

#dragons @annestokesart #dragonart #pencildrawing #fairytale #fantasyart #fantasyworlds #dailysketch #dailydrawing #creativewriting

Daily Drawing Day 6

“Hm…. looks like we have some uninvited guests… Matthias? See that they’re given a warm welcome, won’t you? Wait… I’m worried what you heard was ‘Kill them.’ I quite literally meant… you know what? Never mind, I’ll do it. Where do we keep the tea?”

What’s this? No Anne Stokes today? Nope. Today’s daily drawing is a study of Wayne Reynold’s “Below the 4th” cover art.

Once again, it turned into Ari and Matthias.


Morning Art Digital Detox Day 2

Day 2 of Coffee Sketch

Didn’t have a good day yesterday, so the feeling like I woke up and accomplished something felt pretty good. I have a sorceress character in Dragon Rider’s Dance book 2 and have been looking for inspiration for her character design. Anne Stokes is very well known for her paintings of beautiful women as well as dragons, so the beauty/beast motif she has really works.

Oh, also, Ari wanted to be in the picture too, so that’s her on the coffee mug. I am selling it on my Shopify store. I have T-shirts attached to my instagram account, but I still need to figure out how to get the coffee mugs on there too…

Morning Art Digital Detox Day 1

I just got back from the family cabin over Labor Day weekend!

One of the nice things about being out there is there’s no cell service or internet. So even if something was on fire back home, there’s literally nothing you can do about it. It was a very much-needed digital detox. Didn’t get a lot of drawing done, but I did do a lot of reading, which I never do.

I realized that it’s been several years since I’ve done anything traditional-art related. I’m pretty good at digital, but there’s so many cheats and shortcuts that it becomes easy to lose certain skills. I also have tons of art books that I’ve been meaning to look at and study, but never got done.

For the next 30 days, I’m starting the first 30 minutes of every morning without technology. Basically doing a traditional drawing/study (bonus points if it includes dragons). Today’s victim is Anne Stokes and her piece, “The Dragon Trainer”.

Also one of the nice things is that because these are studies are contemporary masters, I can’t sell them. This is all about the enjoyment and practice. Which removes the pressure!