What's the Drinking Age in Your Fantasy World?
Something that I realize I tend to do with worldbuilding is I'll have an idea pop in my head as a joke (for example, Matthias' alcohol tolerance being due to the fact that the drinking age back in the Evil Empire was four), but then legitimate lore grew from there.
So, the evil empire takes place in a tundra, and yes, while alcohol doesn't REALLY make you warmer, it actually opens your blood vessels so your body thinks you're actually warmer (I think, I dunno, I'm not an alcohol-ogist).
I was also thinking this could be a way the empire controls people: everyone gets free booze, but the SECOND people start to get disgruntled, there's always the threat of having that booze being taken away. Or, maybe the Hero-king in his early days of ruling legitimately had good intentions that were eventually corrupted into something more sinister.
Is anyone else glad that Matthias was able to escape? I know I created that world, but the more I write the lore and research totalitarian regimes for inspiration, the more I want to give him a hug and say, "It's okay. You're safe. You're free. I know you've had many assassination attempts from your girlfriend's family, but who HASN'T had conflict with their in-laws?"