Fantasy Comic Where Character Interrogates Sister's Boyfriend Outdoor Bath Peeping Trope Dragon Woman


Lime Flavored Lake

Partway through coloring this, I realized that the pool was looking more like the Lazerus Pit from Batman- which radioactive green Koolaid isn't exactly the aesthetic I'm going for. I tried to balance it out with warm, ultramarine tones, and I like that much better. But man, Ari's mid-transformation in the second to last panel though... I'm so happy with how THAT turned out. For a while, I was having a hard time drawing her with partial transformations (like her hand being scaley and clawed- because with her green scales, it kind of looked like she was getting gangrene or something. 

Here's an old picture of what I mean. I think the more yellow-tinted scales, more detailed linework, and scattered scales are what really make a difference.

Fantasy Couple

If You're Moving from Traditional to Digital Art, Be Prepared to Suck at First

Below are two art pieces I did. The first one is an oil painting copy I did in 2018, and the other is my first digital art (in like ten years) just this year. If you're going to move to a new medium of ANY kind, it's going to look like a child did it. There are so many different rules digital art has from traditional (for example, you really can't go too dark and saturated as if you're going to print the art, the colors won't show- little things like that). The goal is to keep practicing every day! Don't give up! Experiment, work on it, and when you find yourself struggling with something (like color harmony), chances are there's an artist on YouTube that is really good at explaining how to do it well (Thank you, Color with Kurt!!). 

Student Copy of Springtime by Pierre Auguste Cott

Anyway! Thanks for being here today! Please let me know in the comments who your favorite character is, what lore questions you have, or anything regarding Dragonrider's Dance... or other things I like: Art, chemistry, cooking, philosophy....

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