The Dragon’s Curse

Religion and Fantasy

As always! Come back every Tuesday and Thursday! Again! I want to give a shout out to my brother for creating this language! We've been having a LOT of fun with it. ^_^ I also had a lot of fun with the interior of the Cathedral. I based the color scheme on the Duomo in Milan. I just fell in love with how the sunlight and stained glass windows... there's no better term for it, but it was like the refracted colors themselves were used to paint the marble walls and columns! 

When I was researching how to get a fantasy story premise going, what came up was creating a religon. Religon historically has been a tool for people to help understand how the world works and how to find meaning in it. I wasn't super comfortable with the idea at first, but the more I delved into it, the more enjoyable it became. After all, why would a dragon need religon? A creature so mighty would probably see themselves as a god- and that thought was REALLY interesting to me. So much so that I decided to make it an integral part of Ari's story arc. With her desire to control her rage, does she use it as a means of keeping herself in check? What happens when she leaves the comfort of everything she knows and actually experiences the challenges that come with having your worldview questioned?

Plus, I just like cathedrals. 

Speaking of which, for you Civ fans, this is kind of an old video, but entertaining all the same.


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