The Dragon’s Vengeance

Wait! Before You Go...!

Are you enjoying Dragonrider's Dance?

A lot of you have told me great and wonderful things about it! And that means a lot because this is really my beloved project that has been decades in the making!

So, thank you so much.

Thank you for being wonderful.

Did you know Dragonrider's Dance has a Patreon?

We do!

I'm currently working on a video trailer for Dragonrider's Dance. I was very much inspired by Game of Throne's Lore and Histories videos with the still-image motion style. Here's an example below:

For this first one, I've written the snippet, hired an Italian voice actress to do the voiceover (words I never DREAMED in a million years that I'd be saying!) and while I'm waiting for her to send it to me, then I'm going to put her work on my Patreon page, I'm going to do a story board. This will probably take a few months, and I intend to spend a minimum of 30 minutes every day working on it. That way, it makes progress without burning myself out. 

The video itself will be simple, it won't be colored, it will be more like this beige, sketch style:

So yeah! I'm really excited about this! And you can DEFINITELY help out by donating to the Patreon, buying merch and Redbubble and Teespring! I'm also going to be hiring musicians to create a score for it. Now, this is happening no matter what! But any contribution, even if it's just $1, it will go towards creating the video faster!

I intend on doing all the storyboarding, drawing, and video editing myself, but with enough funds, I could hire people to help and get the video out faster!

Fledgling Patrons will also be able to see its progress as it's coming along! That means, you will be the first to hear the beautiful voiceover, see the storyboard, and the entire process until it comes to fruition!

When this video is made, it will be put at the top of the Dragonrider's Dance website and all social media accounts that will allow it!

As an added bonus, all who donate, buy merch, or financially support this project in any way will be credited at the end of the video!

So! What do you say? Who's with me??? Let's make this happen!!!



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