Once, there was a beautiful princess with long hair like autumn leaves on a rainy morning, and eyes like sparkling emeralds... her dancing as fluid and graceful as the waterfalls themselves, and her voice like the Valkaries of old. Beloved by her kingdom, the princess sparked the envy of the cruel and fearsome dragon of the waterfall fortress of Argentfall... With a single roar, the beast ordered the Elves of the forest to kidnap the princess and bring her to her lair... But every summer, on the princess' birthday, the dragon takes pity on her prisoner, and allows her to return to her kingdom for one evening... The ball known today as the Emerald Stars Debutant Ball. The next morning, her suitors climb the mountain to Argentfall, hoping to rescue her... Every year, the boys would enter the caverns behind the waterfall. Swords in hand... And every year, the dragon recites these words, "Whomesoever can prove he can defeat those who would bring harm to the Maid of Argentfall, shall be the victor..." Every year, there is no victor, but all the boys are permitted to leave after facing the dragon... with the scars the dragon leaves them... they return to the kingdom as men.

The Legend of Argentfall

2 thoughts on “The Legend of Argentfall

  1. Dearie, it is to your infinite credit that you can draw people without eyes and not have them look unsettling in the slightest. I actually think this your most beautifully done page so far.

    1. Thank you! I should probably do more “story” pages like this.

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