Carrie: Did you two have fun at the library?
Allan: Sure did!
Carrie: Now you have to turn around and go to work
Allan: Yup! I promise the end of my shift won't be as eventful as yesterday evening...
Carrie: Agnes, darlin; stay out of the guest room, yeah?
Agnes: Okay, Mommy!
Carrie: Speakin' of which, what happened to our new friend... he didn't come back with yeh?
Allan: Ah, yeah, the nuns told me she has him...
Carrie: Yeh mean...
Allan: Yup.
Carrie: Uh oh. Hope he comes back.
Allan: He better! His weapons are still here after all. "No Weapons in the library" ... pft! Nonesense indeed!
Carrie: I thought the rule was "No weapons on Holy Ground."
Allan: And our enemies care about that? I think not!
Voice: Aaaagnessss...
Agnes: Huh?
Agnes: And when I opened the door... the door the guestroom... where my mother told me not to venture... the thing whispering my name...

40 years later

Agnes: Was the old God Cthulagoolagoo!
Daisy: Oh my goddess did you die???
Solaris: Daisy... how could she have died if she's right here telling the story?
Daisy: Well, maybe a necromancer brought her back, and she's been a zombie this whole time!
Didn't think about that, did ya?
Agnes: Besides, we all know people can't come back from the dead... well, except for that one guy.
Daisy: Didn't your dad kill that one guy?
Solaris: Shaddup, Daisy.
[Narrator]: That's how my dear friend, General Agnes Blackshore, liked to tell the story... Because the truth is... what she actually heard... the thing whispering her name... was much more terrifying.

The Whispers

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