Briallen: I've spent 200 years studying every tome on every language the Argentfall Library contained. You see, the other elves thought passion was odd. "Why would you want to study languages of elsewhere?" They would ask, "We've got a fine way of speaking at home!" That's the thing about elves, most of us are perfectly content to stay home. Keep the forests safe. Not me and Ari though! For decades, we've talked about leaving. She to hunt for treasure, and I would practice my language skills on the people we'd meet. We'll finally go on our adventure... y'know... eventually..."

Coffee Smith Bitters: Boy! You are not leaving this coffee house until you clean this mess!

Matthias: Me? But she-

Coffee Smith Bitters: Is the Eldest Little Sister! Now get to it!

Ari: We've always talked about leaving, and yet here we are...
Briallen: Well, y'know, it's just never been the right time is all...
Ari? What you got there?
Ari: Nothing.

Briallen: What??? Gimme that!

Ari: Give that back, Briallen!

Briallen: Did you draw this yourself???

Matthias: Uh... yes?

Briallen: Foolish fool! You've fallen victim to the fourth most classic blunder! "Never give Ari anything you made yourself!"

Matthias: Why?

Briallen: 'Cus Once you do... she owns your soul! Forever!

Ari: I don't think that's true. I could be wrong. Pretty sure I'm not though.

When Eventually becomes Never

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