
Fantasy and Magic

I have no idea how magic in Dragonrider's Dance works. 

Which is a real problem because magic has the potential to be very world breaking.

I'm definitely going for a more soft magic system (a more undefined system- I find it's usually a allegory for an irl theme) than hard magic (where there are clear rules and limitations- the magic becomes more like science than magic)  because the story isn't about the magic, it's about the people and the adventures. 

Why a soft magic system? I like the idea of magic being a huge mystery where even the most advanced practitioners barely scratch the surface of it's true potential. I also use Dragonrider's Dance as a means to explore real themes, so I like the idea of tying magic to something that's a little more tangible, but still mysterious, like philosophy, history, or spiritual themes. 

To make things easier for myself, none of my main characters are going to use magic except for the occasional "X-Men" power, where everybody has their own superpower (like how Azalea, who you met a couple of weeks ago, can create fire and ONLY create fire). With Minerva though, I have all the freedom in the world to make her as powerful as I want! The reason being that she's either the antagonist or the mentor depending on who you ask- she's powerful enough to pose a real threat, but also will understand she can't do everything for her "mentee", and will have to take a step back.  

Eventually, I decided: None of my main characters are going to use magic (except for very basic things like fire).

Heh. Actually, if you guys don't mind spoilers and are curious as to WHY Minerva hates being called a witch, highlight the invisible text below:

In this world, "Witches" are (usually) women who use something the "the dark side" of magic- unnatural magic gifted by the fey. It's not accurate to say it's fueled by rage, like draconic magic, but vengeance, pain, and spite. A desire to cause pain and suffering unto others. Witches were usually wronged by men so badly, they turn to this magic to obtain their vengeance. It's a highly corruptible power that once you obtain it, you not only get revenge against your oppressor but everyone else.

Most of the time, human women born without magic become witches, but occasionally, and very rarely, someone born with magic will join a coven seeking to understand themselves and their magic better. Minerva was such a person. She was born with the ability to do incredible magic which made her family fear her. For reasons I'll explain later, Minerva slowly realized that her "sisters" didn't care about understanding magic, not the way she wanted to. She realized they were filled with nothing with hate and bitterness. They didn't just hate men, they hated EVERYBODY. And it's exhausting being filled with so much hate. She had trouble leaving because they... did not take kindly to apostates.

Today, Minerva is no longer a witch and living a life that makes her happy (with the delight that it's the kind of life that would make her coven furious- the only people witches hate more than men are mothers), but her soul and abilities are still stained by her past, which continue to cause problems for her.

Now, you might be wondering how Matthias knew Minerva's a witch. Eh, I'll explain later.


Read this article by Alex Raizman if you want a good cliff notes version of hard vs. soft magic systems.

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