Day 13: 30 Day Fantasy Background Challenge: Belle’s Ballroom

So, I might have bitten off more than I can chew here.

If I was to do this again, I would have put in the highlights before moving on to colors. (Normally, I do, but I dunno, I guess this is the one time I thought I could get away with it or something. There were also too many details than you could reasonably put in a 30-minute timeframe.

I’m also beginning to wonder if early morning isn’t really my time. I’m really happy with how the Sleeping Beauty Ballroom/stairs turned out, and I actually ended up doing this later in the afternoon, whereas the last few backgrounds I did around 5am or so.

Another reason why I don’t know if morning is really my time because after several hours of working on a commission, and just being tired, I took a quick break and did this portrait of Patricius which only felt like it took 30 minutes, maybe an hour tops: This is probably the second-best portrait I’ve ever done. I have more experience with portraits and enjoy them more, but even so.


My Version