Day 5: 30 Day Fantasy Background Challenge

Day 5: “Through Heaven’s Eyes” from Prince of Egypt.

There’s going to be a bonfire at the end of Dragonrider’s Dance, so I tried to find the scene from Prince of Egypt. Another spectacular work of art. The screenshot is different from the one I actually ended up using because I was using the higher resolution Amazon movie, but they don’t let you take screenshots, so, here it is.

Dangit… forgot to draw the rocks in the fire pit. Oh well.

Thanks everyone for joining me today! If you would like to take part in this challenge, please put a link in the comments so I can see your progress! Please read my comic, Dragonrider’s Dance on or Webtoon Canvas! It’s an exciting fantasy/fairytale/action comic about a world where dragons are all female and disguise themselves as princesses!