Dragon Rider’s Dance Updates: Updating The Site & Shop

Hey all.

It’s been a while since I’ve uploaded anything on the site. I’m sorry if you’ve been visiting and not seeing any updates to the comic or you’ve left comments that I haven’t seen. I don’t take the time to work on this site as much as I should and I’m working on that.

Updating The Comic

I have been consistently updating on Webtoon, so please go there if I’m not updating here. I’m currently on Leave right now from my day job, and I want to get the site completely up to date before I have to go back to work.

New Shop

So yes! We have a shop now. I actually started building one two years ago, but had to take a break from it for family reasons. I’m taking this as opportunity to pick up where I left of. I’ve actually spent the entire day fighting with both Bluehost and Printful customer service. I’ve been able to upload the products I originally had here two years ago, but for some reason, it wouldn’t let me upload any new stuff.

Here’s the new design below:

I found on Printful’s forums that basically the Printful plugin stopped working at some point, and no one’s bothered to fix it. Apparently, there is a workaround by downloading the imagemagick-engine plugin. So, hopefully, that should fix the issue. Still, I don’t feel like we should need a third-party plugin to make the Printful plugin actually do its job. I think I’m slowly going to move to Printify.

After downloading the imagemagick-engine plugin, I ordered the shirt above myself through the site. I currently have it listed as ‘Out of Stock’ until I know for sure everything’s working the way it should.

Alrighty. It’s late. I’m going to bed. Glad I finally got this stupid thing fixed. See you tomorrow. I’ll get to uploading the rest of the comic soon.