Matthias: I'm looking for a dragon. I did say that, right?
Dan: Sure sounded that way to me!
Matthias: How exactly did that imply I wanted to go to a silly dance?
Dan: Welp. You've done it now, kid- You've ticked off Allan. The scariest half orc in the tavern.

Matthias: Thank you so much.
Dan: Sure thing! So what brings you to our lovely town?
Matthias: I saw on my way here that missing princess poster. Kidnapped by a dragon, apparently? Anyway, I want to-
Dan: -Oh of course! You want to take part in the Emerald Stars Debutant Ball!
Matthias: What? No! ... No!

Key, kid. What'll it be?
Freshly brewed coffee... we'll freshly brewed this morning, anyway.

Item 1: The Call

Another princess went missing this summer. Kidnapped by a dragon, supposedly. The odd thing is, this princess doesn't actually exist. Notices for these kidnappings appear frequently in the summer, but not for the reason you might expect. I've decided my story will start where many good stories start. At an inn. Specifically, the Dancing Emerald.