Three Ways To Stop Procrastinating On Your Webtoon

Or… anything really.


So your goal is to work on your Webtoon. Maybe the idea of working on your comic is too daunting today.

You know what isn’t daunting?

  • Picking up the pencil.
  • Opening your art program.
  • Drawing the first line.

The hardest thing is getting started.

I’ve procrastinated on so many things because psychologically, it felt too daunting.

Actually, I’ve procrastinated getting my shop running for some time now, but one thing that really helped was creating a spreadsheet with all these microtasks to check off. As an added bonus, if it required going to a site, reading a tutorial, or whatever, I made sure the link was in there so I didn’t waste any time or energy trying to hunt for the webpage again.

Ditch The Phone

You might think you don’t have time to work on your Webtoon, but how much time a day are you on your phone?

I might sound like a cranky old person, but the reality is social media makes their money by being more addictive and keeping you glued to the phone. Have a special place in your home where your phone lives while you’re working on your Webtoon.

You can free up a lot of time by not being on your phone.

Schedule Your Time

I used to (stupidly) believe that having a ‘daily routine’ stifled your creativity. I had a bias against structure as a whole. A few years back, I realized you can actually hack your daily routine to get goals done.

Schedule A Time To Work On Your Webtoon

In general, humans are far more likely to get something done if it’s been scheduled. Most people will make a doctor’s appointment, but as for whatever you’re procrastinating on, if you plan to ‘get to it today’, you might look up and see it’s already 6pm and you feel like your day’s been shot.

If You’re Struggling, Set A Timer

I’ve had so many instances where I would log onto my computer, and just not feel like drawing. When that happens, I set a 15 minute timer for myself and start drawing. Sometimes, I’ll do the full 15 minutes, then I’m done, but really, the struggle was just getting started. Most of the time, I feel too deep in my drawing that I don’t want to stop.

Remember: The hardest thing is getting yourself to start. Once you can hack that part of your routine, you’re good to go.