Daily Traditional Fantasy Drawing Day 13

Today’s Fantasy Art Drawing

Today’s drawing is Todd Lockwood’s cover of Dragonlance. A classic fantasy art drawing! And a fun one. Look how mighty he is!

Daily Fantasy Drawing Thoughts & Meditations

Weirdly enough, my thoughts for this morning encompassed how fantasy tends to be ‘pro monarchy.’ Many of these stories are about putting the ‘rightful king (or queen, don’t @ me for pity’s sake)’ on the throne. Part of the story is about the hero is reluctant to take on this huge responsibility. Believing they’re not able to do it, what if they fail? And the reason for that is because that’s our everyday. We have responsibilities in our daily life, we know we could be reaching higher, but there’s many obstacles to overcome first. As a system of government though?

I think in general, especially Americans, are taught that monarchies are a very negative thing (I mean, our history did start off as a revolution for crying out loud when the Enlightenment was kicking into high gear- so people were questioning why we needed monarchs). But after a conversation with my husband late last night, I kind of want to explore this topic a little more. Weigh the pros and cons. Especially since I’m writing a fantasy story myself, it would be a good thing to investigate thoroughly rather than try to casually subvert or deconstruct it.

I’m not a social scientist, economist, or expert by any means (though to be fair, I’m not convinced the ‘experts’ are true experts either), but it has been something I’ve been thinking about lately.

Say you were meant to be the king. You were one of those foundling children who grew up among the peasantry, grew up to overthrow the usurper and get your throne back. You could reject the responsibility outright. Focus on living a simple life, maybe opt to start a republic or democracy instead. Or- face the responsibility that if you don’t take it, especially with the understanding that you have a more well-rounded perspective the previous king… what’s to stop someone even crueler from taking your place? How would you rule justly and fairly and not get assassinated by political rivals because you neglected to appease them in your mission to make the world a better place?

It’s a lot to think about.

And Now, A Word From Our AI Scribe About Fantasy Art Drawings

Fantasy art is a genre of art that has been around for centuries. In this section, we will explore the use of fantasy art in books and how it can be used to express the world of imagination.

Fantasy artists create their own worlds with their artwork. They are able to bring out the world of imagination with their drawings and paintings. They are also able to bring out emotions in people through their work.

Want To See More Fantasy Art Drawings?

Here is yesterday’s artwork:

dragon landscape fantasy art

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Dragon Rider’s Dance is a fantasy comic where dragons are the princesses. Follow Ari and Matthias’ adventures as they navigate great adventures, monsters, and dragon slayer exes.

Read Dragon Rider’s Dance For Free

Dragon Rider’s Dance is a fantasy comic where dragons are the princesses. Follow Ari and Matthias’ adventures as they navigate great adventures, monsters, and dragon slayer exes.